What is Aryan?

By David Myatt

The Laws which have come to dominate Aryan societies - and which, for instance, restrict or forbid the carrying of weapons, the formation of "para-military" groups, brawling, or which make such things as "racial discrimination" a crime - are not only customary to the natural customs and instincts of the Aryan but they are also designed to enslave Aryan peoples.

To understand just how tyrannical and perverted such Laws and restrictions are - and thus how decadent are the societies which make and enforce such Laws - it is necessary to consider what being an Aryan means.

To be Aryan means more than just being of Aryan (or "White"/European) racial descent. It means to have a certain attitude to life. Some one of Aryan descent who has this attitude is vigorous and healthy - a fine example of what being Aryan means. One of the distinguishing features of this Aryan attitude is an aggressive war-loving nature. Another of its distinguishing features is an instinctive sense of individual pride - of how natural it is for Aryan individuals to be responsible for themselves, particularly in matters of "justice". Our ancestors instinctively embodied this Aryan attitude, and the majority of Aryan societies - from before the Achaen (Greek) society of Homer's time, through to the Vikings and beyond - expressed this Aryan attitude in their customs and in their way of life. All genuine Aryan customs (or "laws") reflect this Aryan attitude. For instance, in almost all Aryan societies, there is not and never has been such a "crime" as "murder", with imprisonment or capital punishment as the only and mandatory penalties if found "guilty" of this "crime". All that there has been are flexible penalties deriving from the custom that the victims family had to be compensated or could obtain compensation - usually in goods or money. Sometimes, someone who had killed someone else could be exiled, as a punishment, as sometimes the offender had to obtain a ritual purification, by, for example, offering gifts to the gods. Occasionally, the offender could be put to death. Such customs existed in all Aryan societies from before the time of Homer, through to the Vikings, the Anglo-Saxons, the Welsh and beyond. (In Anglo-Saxon and Germanic societies the compensation was called Wergeld.) One can go so far as to say that this custom - of Wergild or the lack of it, enables one to distinguish a genuine Aryan society from a non-Aryan one. Judged by this standard, the society that developed, for instance, in Medieval England (partly as a Christian influence) was un-Aryan - whereas the Welsh society and customs destroyed by Edward I (at the instigation of the Archbishop of Canterbury) were Aryan and thus civilised.

The ideal for all these Aryan societies was the proud, strong, forthright, fighting man who could also be cunning and inventive and, if necessary, ruthless with his enemies - and it is no coincidence that this type of man was celebrated in heroic poetry and saga. Indeed, the heroic Odysseus - celebrated in Homer's Odyssey - was such a man, and one whom generations of Aryans admired and sought to emulate.

This Aryan man had an instinctive and healthy respect for "the gods" or Fate as he often sought to create a better life for himself and his family. This Aryan man was a warrior who considered it natural and necessary to carry a weapon or weapons to defend himself, just as such a man would consider it was his responsibility and duty, and his alone, to defend himself, and his family and kin, from others if he or they were attacked. The type of justice that this archetypal Aryan man believed in is best expressed in the Aryan custom of "trial by combat" - it was up to him to prove himself, to obtain satisfaction or vengeance. Such a man (for example, Odysseus) would have considered it ignoble and weak to try and obtain an abstract "justice" by letting others deal with things which were his concern. In the case of Odysseus, the natural, Aryan thing to do - on his return to his home - was to slay, without pity or remorse, those suitors who had been trying to seduce his wife and who had almost squandered all of his possessions. The natural, Aryan, outcome of this killing was for Odysseus to be seen as acting honourably in obtaining vengeance for the insult done to him by the action of those suitors.

The story of Odysseus shows just how anti-Aryan and tyrranical our societies have become - today, the returning Odysseus would be arrested by the Police, tried in some impersonal court and according to abstract, un-Aryan Laws, and in all probability found "guilty" of horrid "crimes" such as murder. He would also, in all probability, be accused of having committed "war crimes" during the Trojan war!

It would of course be said today by those Aryans who have cut themselves off from their heritage and their natural Aryan customs, that all these modern things - the Police, the Laws, the Courts and so on - represent "civilisation" and "progress". In fact, Aryan customs and an Aryan way of life, as portrayed for example in the Odyssey, represent civilisation and a civilised way of life - for the essence of civilisation is the war-loving, heroic, noble Aryan attitude which healthy Aryans, living in accord with their natural customs, express in their societies or folk communities. What we have today - due to abstract Laws, an impersonal, interfering Police force and a Judicial system - is a tyrannical anti-Aryan system which makes the individual subservient to some one else's notion of "justice", and which has the power to make that individual obey or "toe the line".

Aryans, and Aryan societies, were vital, strong, proud, fierce and war-loving. The customs of such societies derived from the healthy noble instincts of the warriors who sought to create and maintain such societies or communities. If a group did not like what was happening in such a community, they could and often did, rebel - using "force of arms". What mattered was that they had the skill, the toughness, the fighting-spirit and the weapons which made such rebellion possible.

Feuding, rebellions and a "clan" or tribal allegiance were common-place in all Aryan societies. What mattered was that there was a choice - or the possibility of a choice. A man was still for the most part master of his own fate - he could choose his allegiance; he could defend his honour; he could seek vengeance if wronged or insulted; he could move elsewhere to start a new life; he could be or be made an "outlaw" and live outside of his community. Of course, there were times of injustice and oppression - due to the reign of one or more individuals (the Greeks called such individuals turannoz - someone who had committed ubrix, that is, "overstepped the mark"). But these individuals could and mostly were overthrown or killed. What mattered was that rebellion was always possible against such individuals who "overstepped the mark" - because of the skill, the toughness, the fighting-spirit of Aryans, the availability of weapons and the instinctive sense of fairness that most Aryans possessed.

Aryan societies are always warrior societies - and because of this, civilisations and a civilised way of life has been created by the endeavor of those warriors who, because they were warriors, possessed notions of honour, duty, loyalty and a sense of natural justice. Fundamentally, civilisation means the warrior (and Aryan) virtues of honour, duty, loyalty and natural justice combined with heroic endeavor - and as long as these thrive and flourish, so does civilisation. Civilisation does not mean, and has never meant, a comfortable, material standard of living, peace or an abstract system of "justice". Neither does civilisation mean a certain type of government. Often, a certain comfortable, material standard of living, a period or periods of peace, and a certain type or system of government arises within a civilisation - but such things are not the essence of civilisation but rather are, or may be, some of the consequences of a civilisation. What matters for civilisation are communities of warriors who uphold warrior virtues, for such communities for the most part consist of proud, tough fighters who value their own freedom and independence and who are prepared, if necessary, to rebel. Real genuine freedom - the basis for a civilised way of life - lies in this warrior-oriented ability of individuals to determine their own lives by choosing allegiance and by being able and willing to physically defend themselves, their own honour and that of their family and kin.

When these things, necessary for civilisation, are taken away or made illegal by Laws, then there is an uncivilised, un-Aryan tyranny. This is the situation that exists in every society today where Aryans are in the majority. A world-wide, repressive anti-Aryan tyranny is being created which is increasingly becoming ever more anti-Aryan, ever more tyrannical and ever more uncivilised. To be Aryan, these days, means to fight this system - and strive for a return of a genuine Aryan society and a return to living under Aryan customs. To be Aryan, these days, means to fight against and ignore the many un-Aryan and abstract Laws which have replaced Aryan customs. It is natural and necessary for Aryans to carry weapons to defend themselves and to attack others, if necessary. It is natural and necessary for Aryans to form and give their allegiance to "para-military" or warrior groups - as it is natural and necessary that these groups, or "clans", actually fight. It is natural and necessary for Aryans to hate their enemies and wish to see them conquered or destroyed. It is natural and necessary for Aryans to give their allegiance, and thus loyalty, to a Chief or to Chieftains and to follow that Chief or Chieftains into battle singing a rousing war song.

The majority of Aryans today have become soft and weak - they live pampered, unnatural, materialistic lives which are increasingly meaningless. In effect, they are - or are on the way to becoming - the docile, compliant, slaves of those who control the present anti-Aryan tyranny. Instead of glory, these Aryans seek "respectability". Instead of an honourable fame, these Aryans seek material comfort. Increasingly, these Aryans espouse un-Aryan causes and ideas, as they are increasingly are being made to feel guilty about and reject what is Aryan. To be Aryan today means to strive to return these Aryans to themselves - to free them from the mental and physical slavery they now endure.

We Aryans must learn to know and value our own Aryan customs, as we must seek to emulate the fierce, heroic fighting-spirit that is the true and enduring legacy of the Aryan. We must learn to know our enemy, what it is we are fighting and what we are fighting for. If we do this, we will become Aryan again and so achieve that glory which is rightfully ours.

Appeared in Key of Alocer #6


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