Death Before Dishonour

By Temple 88
An honourable person - that is, someone who lives and acts like an Aryan - is prepared to die for honour. Such individuals are thus noble and civilized - they believe in and accept the principle of Death Before Dishonour. For such individuals, this is not a slogan, political or otherwise - it is a sincere expression of how they feel about life itself, and of what is most important to them. Honour expresses the essence of what it is to be Aryan. Honour itself is the setting of noble standards of personal behaviour and personal conduct, and these standards derive from idealism and the pursuit of individual excellence - that is, from loyalty and from an understanding of and striving to do one's duty, regardless of the problems or the personal difficulties involved. Someone who so strives to do their idealistic duty is someone who embodies what is best, what is excellent.

To live and act like an Aryan - that is, with nobility of character - means upholding and living by this principle of Death Before Dishonour. Nothing else is more important - not personal happiness, not personal love, not personal comfort and wealth. This principle expresses the spirit, or ethos, of the Aryan warrior, and to be Aryan means to live like such a warrior, for however short a time. For a true Aryan, personal honour is more important than their own life. What matters is not how long one lives - but the intensity of life while it is being lived, the essential vitality of life itself. A true Aryan would rather live like a god - free and powerful - for a short time, than live for a long time like a serf.
An individual becomes truely free and strong when they accept this principle of Death Before Dishonour and when they live their life in accord with it. Honour liberates the individual, enabling them to experience the divine potential of their individual lives. A few weeks, or even days, spent in really living - in battle or in exploring against the odds - is worth many years of ordinary mundane living.

Ordinary, modern, life has become tame and boring - designed for and productive of mass-produced sub-humans who have seldom if ever felt the vitality of a god, of what it means to strive against the odds with one's own life in the balance. Such sub-humans know little if anything of honour, and little if anything of battle, of that healthy lust for glory, that healthy lust for adventure which drives and which has driven most warriors. Such sub-humans are not prepared to give up their own lives for the sake of such glory, for the sake of such adventure and for the sake of their own honour. Such sub-humans would rather "be happy" and live for a long time so as to be able to selfishly, weakly and decadently indulge themselves.

Real warriors wish to die with a weapon in their hands and dead enemies around them. They wish to exult again and again in those precious, vital, god-like moments when death is possible and where they can cheat death again by their own prowess, their own skill, their own exultant defiance. Real warriors often yearn for an enemy or many enemies to try and attack them as they walk "on the streets" or elsewhere so that they can set about them with a ferocious will. They do not care if they die in the process - indeed, they would in all honesty like to die in such a way, fighting and defiant to the end, for they will try and kill and seriously injure as many of their attackers as they can.

All healthy Aryans should feel this way. They should all be ready and willing be defend themselves, and ready and willing to die in the process. They should all prefer combat and adventure to mundane, boring "work". Of course, the majority of our own Aryan people do not seem to understand this anymore - let alone feel this warrior spirit within them. They will say something like - "he has a death wish"; or "he is mad". Then they will return to their own wasted lives - either as serfs of the tyrannical System, or as worthless sub-humans addicted to indulging themselves.

What healthy individuals do not want is to die of old age, feeble and weak, without having achieved glory or done deeds to be proud of. Better to die young striving for glory than die old without glory. The majority of people nowadays seem to live too long. The warrior way is for men to seek to marry young, to strive to father as many children as possible and thereafter to seek to fight in earnest or recklessly quest for adventure. An Aryan warrior has an Aryan spirit - they want to live like gods rather than endure a boring life; they want glory, not toil; they want adventure, not routine. An Aryan warrior, if captured by the enemy, always strives to escape, and always strives to defy their captors, just as an Aryan warrior would rather die trying to escape than live like a caged animal or allow themselves to be humiliated and defeated. In essence, an Aryan warrior is half-wild, and cannot be tamed.

It needs repeating again and again until a majority of our own people understand it, that what is of fundamental importance is to live, behave and die like an Aryan - with dignity, honour and having striven to leave something worthwhile and noble behind or having done deeds of glory in the pursuit of duty. Our struggle is not about some political programme or about some political idea. It is about our unique Aryan spirit - it is about being Aryan, and having the freedom to live like Aryans. Our struggle is about making our people Aryan again, and creating a truely Aryan society. Our struggle is about being honourable and thus doing our noble duty. Our fundamental duty is to strive for excellence, for ourselves and our race, for by so striving we are fulfilling the purpose of our lives - we are continuing the work of evolution which we, as individuals, represent, and which our own unique race represents. We strive for excellence when we join together in a group to seek adventure and conquest, or to fight our enemies: for then we have to overcome obstacles, difficulties and challenges through the power, through the triumph of our organized will - that is, through comradeship and self-discipline. We strive for excellence when we ourselves strive to be the best, and when we strive to raise up, to advance further, our own people, our own race, by aiding or helping to create an honourable, noble, society for them to live in.

We are being the best of our race when we embody our Aryan warrior spirit - when we are proud, and defiant, as Aryans, and when we uphold and live by the principle of Death Before Dishonour. We are being sub-human and un-Aryan when we place our own happiness, our own pleasure, before honour and duty, and when we are afraid of dying for an ideal.

The question we must ask ourselves - and others - is: "Are we, are you, willing to be domesticated and enslaved?" If we are not willing to be enslaved, we must rediscover our warrior heritage, our warrior spirit - and live by the Aryan principle of "Death Before Dishonour!"

If we truely live our own lives by this Aryan, warrior, principle, and if we join together in real comradeship in an organization which truely expresses our Aryan spirit, then our Zionist enemies are helpless. All their power, all their influence, all their laws, are of no use. They may ban our organizations; they may try to ban our literature but they cannot outlaw or suppress our Aryan spirit - with this defiant spirit, we will create another organization, produce more literature, and go on fighting until victory is achieved.

The simple truth we must remember is that National-Socialism is the way of the Aryan warrior! Fundamentally, a National-Socialist society is the organized will of the Aryan race. By being a National-Socialist, by striving to create a National-Socialist revolution through supporting a fighting National-Socialist organization, we are being Aryan. Anything other than pure and open National-Socialism is un-Aryan, and a dishonourable compromise with our enemies.


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