
Visar inlägg från mars, 2019


From "The SS Leadership Guide" (1934) Manly virtues determine the basic direction of our way of life, first of all loyalty. We best understand loyalty through the feeling in our blood. This feeling tells us clearly what loyalty is. Loyalty is lack of deception. Loyalty means action and inaction without deception. It demands reliability and maintenance through action and inaction, so that the trusted one is not deceived. It demands pursuit of the goal with complete seriousness and devotion. Whoever is loyal does not have to swear it twice. Loyalty is like a banner that goes in front of the following. Behind the flag also march those who have not stood by it under fire. That cannot be otherwise. They will nonetheless know what they owe to the flag. But those others, who on quiet soles sneak into the column of victors returning from battle, cannot know it. They were not loyal to their cause and they cannot be loyal to our cause. They seek refuge for their wretchedness or ...

Metaphysics of War

“The fundamental principle underlying all justifications of war, from the point of view of human personality, is ‘heroism’. War, it is said, offers man the opportunity to awaken the hero who sleeps within him. War breaks the routine of comfortable life; by means of its severe ordeals, it offers a transfiguring knowledge of life, life according to death. The moment the individual succeeds in living as a hero, even if it is the final moment of his earthly life, weighs infinitely more on the scale of values than a protracted existence spent consuming monotonously among the trivialities of cities. From a spiritual point of view, these possibilities make up for the negative and destructive tendencies of war, which are one-sidedly and tendentiously highlighted by pacifist materialism. War makes one realize the relativity of human life and therefore also the law of a ‘more-than-life’, and thus war has always an anti-materialist value, a spiritual value.” - Julius...

The Warrior Revolution

"You lonely ones of today, you expelled ones, you should one day be a folk; from you, you who have chosen yourselves, a select folk should emerge: – and from it, the over-man!" - Friedrich Nietzsche

Duty and Conscience

By Kurt Eggers Nine tenths of war consist of dirt, of waiting, waiting, waiting... But the tenth tenth – danger, action, overcoming – is the salt of the earth, which spices man's daily bread. Soldier's humor?! It does not have the least to do with the usual stupid expressions, the dumb jokes and brainless barracks tomfoolery. It has also never become "literature", just as little as it is suited to be repeated. It is the amused, fierce laughter of men who have passed through the greatest shocks and have the right to comradely pat death on the back. The close neighborhood with death and danger makes the soldier indeed not indifferent to the questions of life and death, but become simple and calm. His calm is often – very unjustly – confused with "unfeeling". The warrior is the German human being who became significant! The sole exciting fear that the soldier feels is that of, due to a failure, possibly becoming despised by his comrades...

The Reichsfolk Declaration

Reichsfolk is committed to presenting the truthful reality of National-Socialism. The truth is that National-Socialism is an idealistic and noble way of life based upon the principles of honour, reason, fairness, loyalty, duty to one's own people, and to Nature, and respect for and understanding of other cultures and other ways of life. Reichsfolk is committed to introducing others to the civilized reality of National-Socialism, and to striving to implement the idealism of National-Socialism in practical ways, through civilized, cultured, reasonable means, without using any kind of force or coercion. It should also be made clear that the kind of National-Socialism that Reichsfolk seeks to establish - and all pure, genuine, National-Socialist organizations seek to establish - is a civilized and rational National-Socialism that rejects and opposes any kind of oppression, subjugation and intolerance toward others on account of culture, belief or race. Reichsfolk also opens its a...

Proclamation of Pan-Europa

"Race now means, in Europe, the duality of having honour and pride; People means the we-feeling of all Europeans; Nation now means the organism of Europe Itself." - Francis Parker Yockey

Death Before Dishonour

By Temple 88   An honourable person - that is, someone who lives and acts like an Aryan - is prepared to die for honour. Such individuals are thus noble and civilized - they believe in and accept the principle of Death Before Dishonour. For such individuals, this is not a slogan, political or otherwise - it is a sincere expression of how they feel about life itself, and of what is most important to them. Honour expresses the essence of what it is to be Aryan. Honour itself is the setting of noble standards of personal behaviour and personal conduct, and these standards derive from idealism and the pursuit of individual excellence - that is, from loyalty and from an understanding of and striving to do one's duty, regardless of the problems or the personal difficulties involved. Someone who so strives to do their idealistic duty is someone who embodies what is best, what is excellent. To live and act like an Aryan - that is, with nobility of character - means upholding and living...

Legionary Spirit

“The legionary spirit is that fire of one who will choose the hardest road, who will fight to the death even when all is already lost.” -  Julius Evola